Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Canary Bird Facts

Canary Bird Facts

Mr. Eyebrows.

Warrior Squirrel 2010, Mr. Eyebrows., Photograph, Flicker, accessed 18 June 2014, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.
  • These birds belong to the finch family. 
  • Canary birds are named after the islands from which they originate: the Canary Islands.
  •  Canary birds were brought to the rest of the world through Spanish sailors in the 1600s.
  •   When you buy a canary for sale, expect it to live between 5 and 9 years.
  •  Canaries are also known as Serinus canaria, Island Canaries or Common Canaries.
  • The canary has an average wingspan of 20-23cm.
    • Canary birds usually weigh between 15g and 20g.
    • The canary’s song is one of the most famous bird songs.
    • Canary birds prefer to eat seeds, berries and small insects. 

    Warrior Squirrel 2011, IMG_1046, Photograph, Flicker, accessed 18 June 2014, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

    Types of Colour 

    First, there are the three main breeds: color canaries, type canaries and song canaries. Then,there are the numerous varieties in each breed and there are many mixed breeds of canaries to choose from.

    songs canaries
    types canaries
    colour canaries
    black variety
    brown variety
    agate variety
    isabel variety
    yellow variety
    red variety
    white variety
    reacessive white variety

     All of these varieties evolved from a single ancestor, the wild canary (Serinus serinus) of the Canary Islands.
    • All canaries sing,  Male canaries are the better singers  (always trying to impress the female canaries),
    offspring finch with canary
    In the case of the canary, the mule is a result of a female canary bred with a male finch, with the resulting offspring usually being sterile. Some examples of mules are goldfinch mule, the siskin mule and the greenfinch mule. Then there is the bull .as in male bullfinch. The male bullfinch is the opposite of the mule. it is the mating of a female bullfinch to a male canary.

    here are some good links that tell will expent more about the varieties in the breeds.

    Canary Types..., 2010's, accessed 5 June 2014, <>.
    This site are of low to medium authority, this sites are good for a older person who is looking for information feeding your canary.   

    Laminated Bird Posters, 2012, accessed 5 June 2014, <>.
    This site are of low to medium authority, this sites are good for a older person who is looking for information feeding your canary.   


    Brian, K 2006, Cannary ownwer's guide a guide to selection, houseing, care, nutrion,health,breebing and colour, 3 edn, About pets australian editon landmark press, Drouin, victoria.

    this book is mediun to hight atherd as it was made for the cannary lovey and can be used buy any teen to old ages.

    most of the links were back up with this book or other sites.

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